Отражение этнических стереотипов в официальных печатных изданиях и периодической прессе Таврической губернии в конце XVIII – XIX в. (славяно-еврейско-караимский контекст)


  • Дмитрий Прохоров


In the article the problems connected with formation in the Russian society of the end of 18th – 19th centuries a public opinion about Jews and Karaites in the context of the official press and the adoption by the authorities of Jewish legislation are under review. For example, the rights reserved for the Karaites the Jews were deprived of, what seriously affected the relationship of these two communities. The contradictions that subsequently mani-fested themselves in the theological and scientific discussions of the late 19th century intensified. The official periodical and private press played a noticeable role in this matter. Unlike the Karaites, the community of Jews received a prejudiced assessment of the authorities.


